モリモリ島のモーグとペロル MOGU&PEROL

メキシコのHidalgo Film Fest (Best Children’s Short Film) 、ベネズエラのIX FICAIJ(Best Animated Short Fillm)、Alameda International Film Festival (Best Animated Short)、札幌国際短編映画祭(最優秀美術賞)、キネコ国際映画祭(短編グランプリ)などを受賞、ブラジルのAnima Mundhi、Boston International Kids Film Festival、London International Animation Festivalほか50以上の映画祭でセレクト上映され、国内外で高い評価を得ている。 2018年公開作品。

This is the most delicious Stopmotion Animation film in the world of Tsuneo Goda, who is the creator of “Domo”. This film is about cooking and eating.
Don’t miss the pleasant dialogue of Mogu and Perol, elaborate foods and cookwares.
Released in 2018, this film won many awards at the film festivals over the world like “Best Children’s Short Film” in Hidalgo Film Fest, “Best Animated Short Film” in IX FICAIJ, “Best Animated Short” in Alameda International Film Festival etc. and was selected as official screening film in over 100 film festivals.


A story about two friends living on Yummy Island, where delicious food can be found everywhere! Whenever Mogu is cooking, Perol just pops up and eats the yummy meal. One day Perol finds a very tasty looking Brrrr berry that Mogu was about to pick. Perol doesn’t wait for a second to taste the berry which brings about an unexpected quarrel between the two.
