ボサボサ頭の「ぼっち」は、ちょっとパンクで心やさしい女の子。 いっしょに暮らす「ちいくま」は、皮肉屋さんだけど実はさびしがり屋。そんなふたりの日常を、季節感あふれる自然とともに描いています。 子供なのに、山小屋でクマと二人暮らし。事件がないわけがない。
“Bocchi and Chiikuma” is a picture book cartoon series published on the magazine “Ne Ne” by Shufu To Seikatsusha since 2004.
“Bocchi” with a big brown hair is a punk girl with a warm heart. She lives with “Chiikuma”, who is sarcastic, but in fact, lonely. Its distinctive illustrations and colors expresse their daily life with a sense of the season and nature. She is a little child but lives alone with Chiikuma in a mountain cabin. They can not avoid incidents happening.