I founded dwarf by myself in September 2003. Since then, producers, production managers, directors, animators, managers have joined, and we now have a studio that we can all call our own.
dwarf produces unique characters and stop-motion animation—which is a traditional shooting technique for animation. We are experts in creating visual works that move various materials, frame by frame with utmost precision.
Our goal is to encounter and communicate with people through the challenges of creating characters, features/short films, TV commercials, etc.. We hope to deliver works that will be treasured for decades.
Tsuneo Goda

*dwarf is about the little people (dwarves) who live in the world of fantasy. You may have heard that they are hidden deep in the forests, practicing crafts like goldsmiths.
P.S. Since it all started with "Domo-kun," Goda looked for a name that began with a “D”.
ちなみに、英語では「stopmotion animation」といい、その中でも、人形を主に動かしているものを「パペットアニメーション」。粘土を主に使ってるものを「クレイアニメーション」と言ったりします。日本語では、ひとコマひとコマ撮影していくので「こま撮り」と呼んでいます。
dwarf specializes in stop-motion animation, as well as character design.
Stop-motion animation is a traditional shooting technique where puppets and props (and sometimes the camera itself) are meticulously moved between takes to create the illusion of seamless movement, as though the characters have come to life. Twenty-four pictures are shot and pieced together to make a one-second film.
A new world is created from an empty studio space. A set is placed, the lights flash on, and the cameras start rolling—then the puppets come to life to tell the stories… From the sky, the mountains, the sun to every slightest movement and facial expression are crafted by hand. It is because of this that we are able to create warm and timeless work that cannot be achieved by live-action or computer graphics.
There are various types of stop-motion animation. One of them is puppet animation, where puppets are mainly used, like in the case of “Domo,” “Komaneko,” or “Rilakkuma” series. Another type is clay animation, in which clay is the main material. You may recognize them in the “Pingu” or “Shaun the Sheep” series. In both cases, the stop-motion animation is created frame-by-frame, that we call “Koma-dori” in Japanese. “Koma” means ‘frame,’ and “-dori” means ‘to take a picture.’
キャラクターデザイン -
At dwarf, we handle all aspects of film production from planning, shooting to editing as well as creating picture books, manga, illustrations, and various types of contents.
Please contact us if you are interested in our works or in working with us.
